It stands for "no abnormality detected" or "nothing abnormal detected". It's a very common and, unfortunately, fatal and lethal disease. People die of it and there are NO remedy for that :(


Holly Shit, Baby! It's The Triniy!

Nodomāju, ka tas ir joks, bet ak vai, kā es maldījos. Absolūti nopietni šāda ir mūsdienu kristīgā promaucība (promotion):

"Featuring our savior Jesus, almighty God, and a glow-in-the-dark Holy Ghost, this custom set has been hand-assembled and comes with a display pedestal printed with a Brick Testament decal."


Nieka 30 zaļo un tev būs personīgais Jēzus, tētis un luminiscējošs gars.

Saita nosaukums arī jauks - ķēģeļu derība. Jāsecina - tie būs tie īstie autori.

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