
It stands for "no abnormality detected" or "nothing abnormal detected". It's a very common and, unfortunately, fatal and lethal disease. People die of it and there are NO remedy for that :(


How to count occurrence of Chinese characters with Python

You would need for that Python 3.x ...
from collections import OrderedDict
t = """听同学说,春游很好玩。好不容易,这一天到来了。

d = {x:t.count(x) for x in set (t) if x!='\n' }
sorted_d = OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
for k, v in sorted_d.items():
    print ( "%s: %s" % (k, v) )


Extracting SAP schema (meta data) using Business Object Data Service Designer

Working with SAP BO on data reconciliation, transferring into MS SQL and building a custom reports as anyone else I was struggling with cryptic German acronyms. In order to get some sense out from the data I have to get across also column description and in general schema data as column data types, constraints, etc both for further analysis and documentation. Regretfully BO DS Designer doesn't provide such a feature. However it is possible to export schema either in XMI 1.1 (albeit not complying to the schema or specification) or ERwin XML document. And that is enough for documenting and cleating a data dictionary. In this post I will outline the whole process and one of the first steps namely generating an HTML overview schema document. The chief reason I - generally a very reluctant blogger - am sharing my experience to demonstrate how efficiently could be used a diverse set of tools that in the first have nothing in common. They are Business Object Data Service Designer, MS XML for XSLT transformation, MS Visual Studio for programming and testing XSLT, JavaScript for interacting with MS XML ActiveX components, sqlite for collecting and storing from XML extracted data, Windows BAT for cluing it all together.

This is how the main all together gluing process_xmi.bat script:

REM Get file name w/o extesion
SET FN=%FFN:~0,-4%

SET DB=%OUTPUT_DIR%\model.sqlite

REM Execute trasformations:
REM - Generate an HTML report:

cscript transform.js %1 xmi-html-summary.xslt %OUTPUT_DIR%\%FFN:~0,-4%.html
cscript transform.js %1 xmi-html-summary2.xslt %OUTPUT_DIR%\%FFN:~0,-4%_2.html

REM - Generat DML for model update
cscript transform.js %1 xmi-sql.xslt %OUTPUT_DIR%\create_model.sql

REM Load model data into DB model.sqlite:
sqlite3 %DB% < %OUTPUT_DIR%\create_model.sql

REM Extract table and column list in CSV format:
sqlite3 -header -csv %DB% "SELECT * FROM meta$table;" > %OUTPUT_DIR%\%FN%_tables.csv
sqlite3 -header -csv %DB% "SELECT c.*, t.schema, t.name AS table_name FROM meta$table AS t JOIN meta$column AS c ON c.table_id = t.id;"  > %OUTPUT_DIR%\%FN%

The following flowchart will help to understand it better:

The source code of the project you can find at http://j.mp/bo-xmi-transformer


Reading Time in Mandarin

Time in Chinese Mandarin. Listen and figure out....
Just listen or download and try to figure out the time a native speaker is reading. There are two parts - 24h clock time reading and the reading of 12h clock with AM/PM indicators.

Or Download...

Or Download...

tā shìbúshì tài kuài la? Then listen for a record with reduced tempo by 30%: Part 1, Part 2

The answers are here Reading Time #1.

Useful vocabulary

Words introduced (Simplified/Traditional):
  • 点/點 [diǎn] - point, dot, hour
  • 钟/鐘 [zhōng] - clock
  • 分/分 [fēn] - piece, section, minute
  • 半/半 [bàn] - half

  • 早上 [zǎoshàng] 5am~12pm
  • 上午 [shàngwǔ] 10am~12pm

  • 中午 [zhōngwǔ] 12pm

  • 下午 [xiàwǔ] 1pm~6pm

  • 晚上 [wǎnshàng] 6pm~12am

  • 半夜 [bànyè] 12am~4am (Taiwan)
  • 凌晨 [língchén] 12am~4am (China)

There are excellent tutorials about reading time prepared by HyperLingual:

Once again I'd like to express my gratitude to Joyce from Taiwan for her contribution, help and incredible patience.


Numbers in Chinese Mandarin. Listen and figure out....

Just listen or download and try to figure out the number a native speaker is reading ...

tā shìbúshì tài kuài la? Then listen for a record with reduced tempo by 30%:

The answers are here Numbers #1.

I'd like to express my gratitude to Joyce from Taiwan for her contribution, help and incredible patience.

PS soon coming Numbers #2


Seed Price Analysis

I've done FB FarmVille seed price analysis: FarmVille Seed Profitability. Profit evaluation's done assuming that the harvesting takes place 1 hour after the crop is ripen. In conclusion - the most profitable are Raspberries, Aloe Vera and Peppers, and then Rice, but the least profitable are Soybeans and Artichokes:


Google Translator in Google Spreadsheets

New feature from Google - two functions for Spreadsheets: GoogleTranslate and DetectLanguage:

Self-explanatory examples:

=GoogleTranslate("Hola, ¿cómo estás?","lv","en") gives "方腊和地方似的开了色犯了可靠的死了然后来了哈利两个联合人类色热望人类的?" obviously and

=DetectLanguage("Hola, ¿cómo estás?") would give "ur" as a result.


View online files using the Google Docs Viewer Released ...

Some time ago Google introduced document file upload into Google Docs. Then they added a feature allowing to upload attachments straight from Gmail into Google Docs. And now they went even further - you can view any PDF, Powerpoint of TIFF document in the Google Docs Viewer. That's great. There will come a day when there'll be only a browser and Google :D

Here is "Cien años de soledad" by Marquez form http://www.eltutordebangkok.com/music/books/Soledad.pdf viewable with the Google Viewer. Enjoy!

Cien años de soledad

For more information: